I’m Hatin' on Lazy Parents.
I recently read on Yahoo news that Disney, global leader and financial juggernaut of all things children, is offering refunds for its “Baby Einstein” brand videos for allegedly “deceptive advertising” and apparently, as the article puts it best, “not, as it promised, turning babies into wunderkinds.” Apparently the songs, bright colors and annoying puppets, not only have no measurable effect on educating babies, but actually may attribute to a shorter attention span later on in life. These parents think they were scammed, I think it serves their lazy a** right.
I admit, that was a bit harsh, but sometimes HATIN’ is mean. What happened to the good, old days of parenting? The days where parents actually read and played with their baby; bringing them up in the way they saw fit. Since when did we become too busy to raise our own children? Now, I understand, kids are a handful and in this day and age, we are busy people on the go, but sitting your kid in front of a TV, for hours at a time, expecting it to perform miracles on your child’s brain and basically do your job as a parent is ridiculous. I’m cool with educational videos as an accessory, and actually believe they work (I mean, they couldn't put out the product if it didn't test well) but only as an alternative to having children watch whatever filth plagues our TV’s, not as a parent.
I do place some blame on Disney; not for supposedly lying about providing miracle results, but for not adding the disclaimer that it may NOT work on all children. Children all learn differently and at different paces, having one-size-fits-all videos can't possibly cater to every childs individual needs. The video teaching spelling may work for Johnny, but not for Mary. Parents, this is where you come in; It is your job to raise your child, not that of your TV. I’m also HATIN’ on Disney because, I mean really, can someone please tell me what a refund is going to achieve? Will it give your children endless hours of their life back? NO! All it does is let Disney off the hook, giving the parents and kids the proverbial “my bad” shrug and lets them go their merry ways, while the parents are stuck with a refund voucher for $36.95 and having to deal with a kid who can’t pay attention long enough to remember their name.
Parents, get it together!
According to the article and The New York Times, in “a 2003 study, a third of all American babies from 6 months to 2 years old had at least one 'Baby Einstein' video,” meaning that parents were buying these things like HOT CAKES! Did you ever think, instead of wasting your money on those videos, you could have put it into something that helps to free up your schedule so that you can become a more attentive parent. Just a thought.
My advice to all the parents out there: There is no product that will ever be a better substitute for REAL parenting. Get back to raising your own kids. And lastly, if there was EVER a time to sue the pants off of Disney, this may be that time.
Continue HATIN’; even if they’re tryna make themselves so easy to love.
I recently read on Yahoo news that Disney, global leader and financial juggernaut of all things children, is offering refunds for its “Baby Einstein” brand videos for allegedly “deceptive advertising” and apparently, as the article puts it best, “not, as it promised, turning babies into wunderkinds.” Apparently the songs, bright colors and annoying puppets, not only have no measurable effect on educating babies, but actually may attribute to a shorter attention span later on in life. These parents think they were scammed, I think it serves their lazy a** right.
I admit, that was a bit harsh, but sometimes HATIN’ is mean. What happened to the good, old days of parenting? The days where parents actually read and played with their baby; bringing them up in the way they saw fit. Since when did we become too busy to raise our own children? Now, I understand, kids are a handful and in this day and age, we are busy people on the go, but sitting your kid in front of a TV, for hours at a time, expecting it to perform miracles on your child’s brain and basically do your job as a parent is ridiculous. I’m cool with educational videos as an accessory, and actually believe they work (I mean, they couldn't put out the product if it didn't test well) but only as an alternative to having children watch whatever filth plagues our TV’s, not as a parent.
I do place some blame on Disney; not for supposedly lying about providing miracle results, but for not adding the disclaimer that it may NOT work on all children. Children all learn differently and at different paces, having one-size-fits-all videos can't possibly cater to every childs individual needs. The video teaching spelling may work for Johnny, but not for Mary. Parents, this is where you come in; It is your job to raise your child, not that of your TV. I’m also HATIN’ on Disney because, I mean really, can someone please tell me what a refund is going to achieve? Will it give your children endless hours of their life back? NO! All it does is let Disney off the hook, giving the parents and kids the proverbial “my bad” shrug and lets them go their merry ways, while the parents are stuck with a refund voucher for $36.95 and having to deal with a kid who can’t pay attention long enough to remember their name.
Parents, get it together!
According to the article and The New York Times, in “a 2003 study, a third of all American babies from 6 months to 2 years old had at least one 'Baby Einstein' video,” meaning that parents were buying these things like HOT CAKES! Did you ever think, instead of wasting your money on those videos, you could have put it into something that helps to free up your schedule so that you can become a more attentive parent. Just a thought.
My advice to all the parents out there: There is no product that will ever be a better substitute for REAL parenting. Get back to raising your own kids. And lastly, if there was EVER a time to sue the pants off of Disney, this may be that time.
Continue HATIN’; even if they’re tryna make themselves so easy to love.
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