This is an I’m Hatin’ First… I have absolutely no idea which position or who, for that matter, to hate on.
Let’s look at this rationally.
In my opinion, we really only have three potential parties to hate on; The selection committee for choosing Obama, the nay-sayers who don’t think he deserves it, or the pro-Obama people who think this honor is long overdue and justified.
Let’s look at this rationally.
In my opinion, we really only have three potential parties to hate on; The selection committee for choosing Obama, the nay-sayers who don’t think he deserves it, or the pro-Obama people who think this honor is long overdue and justified.
Now, I’m not taking sides; just being the devil’s Hatin’ advocate, but what was the criterion for which Obama was nominated and won. According to the Nobel Peace Prize website, http://www.nobelprize.org/, Obama was selected "For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." Probably true enough. Hey the exact language says “Efforts” not “Results.” But for the sake of assessing both sides, maybe it was ill gained. Before I can say that, I must also have to ask, who else was in the running for the prize, because based on whomever was his competition, Obama may truly have the upper hand and may have been the valid choice. Sadly, after researching just who was in the running with our fair president, I found out that (and this can also be found on the same website) “every year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee sends out thousands of letters inviting a qualified and select number of people to submit their nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The names of the nominees cannot be revealed until 50 years later, but the Nobel Peace Prize committee does reveal the number of nominees each year. 205 names were submitted for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, 33 of which are organizations. This is the highest number of nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize ever.” So, it looks like we may never know if Obama truly earned it. So selection committee, you’re in the clear (from being hated on) for now. We’ll see you in 2059!

Since we don’t know who Obama was up against, you cannot make a strong argument for why he shouldn’t be chosen. So, what is your problem? I keep hearing that Obama won it because he is Black, because the Nobel Prize is politically based, etc. What do I say to those people? Show me the proof. If it’s because he’s black, explain to me why that influenced the decision in his favor, because, to me, that rationale doesn’t have a colored leg to stand on. I mean, as an African American woman, I don’t recall many situations where being black was the trump card and got me in to an exclusive club or gave me awards of high honor and prestige… actually more of the opposite. So again, to show is to prove.
Now, if you think that it is based off of political relationships, I’d say that is more feasible. The only objection I have to that is the current status of the US, as perceived by the world. Right now, we don’t hold much weight. We’re in a war that won’t end, we’re broke, aren’t really running ish’ like we used to and look as though, given enough time, we will destroy ourselves by means of greed. So, political connections? I dunno. Why would anyone want to go down with a sinking ship?, so to speak.
Again, if you got the proof, show me.
To the pro-Obama people: Why do you think he got the award and why does he deserve it? This I can’t answer. Again, we really need to see the scale in which this years nominees were graded on. Although, I must say, to be awarded a prize of this magnitude only after 261 days in office and as President of the United States, is HUGE. I mean, Mohandas Gandhi was nominated and didn’t win off of the technicality of being dead… and Obama is no Gandhi (yet?).
So what makes Obama suitable to win this prize?
My ears are open for ideas!
Now, if there is one thing I cannot stand for, it’s HATIN’ for no reason. So HATERS, if you’re going to hate, which I definitely condone, make sure you know why you’re HATIN’ and what you're HATIN' against. Taking from a quote from my friend Adrienne M. on Facebook “Obama is to the Nobel Peace Prize as Taylor Swift is to the VMA apparently. So many Kanyes!”
Respect the Hate People!
Actually they have released some of the runner-ups.
ReplyDelete"Compare this to Greg Mortenson, nominated for the prize by some members of Congress, who the bookies gave 20-to-1 odds of winning. Son of a missionary, a former army Medic and mountaineer, he has made it his mission to build schools for girls in places where opium dealers and tribal warlords kill people for trying. His Central Asia Institute has built more than 130 schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan - a mission which has, along the way, inspired millions of people to view the protection and education of girls as a key to peace and prosperity and progress."
There is no way Obama should have won over this guy. It's also highly suspicious Obama was nominated only two weeks into his term as president. Why give someone an award for "saying" he's going to do something when there are people who are "doing."
So, yeah. I'm hatin'.
P.S. Good post!!
lol friend you are so witty !!! you need to write editorials for the new york times !!! you clearly have a gift for this.. this post is my fav so far