We’ll try to make this a quickie. The 2016 Olympics were never going to be held here in the U.S.A. Period. There are many reasons why, although we bid, it was never gonna happen.
Here are just a few:
1. Our economy is a bust… Brazil’s is not: If you haven’t heard… or felt the adverse effects of a super slow economy, let me enlighten you, The USA is Broke. On the brink of another, potential great depression, the US and City of Chicago cannot afford to have the games here. Yes, it would be a huge revenue stream and has the potential to create BILLIONS for the City, but you’d have to spend that much just to get Chicago and the surrounding states/cities, who were expected to assist in hosting, in running condition, suitable to putting on an event of this magnitude. Chicago planned to have the entire event financed by the Federal government, no City or tax money would be used… Yea, RIGHT. The bid costs ($49.3 million) were borne by the private sector as would have been the costs of the games. The cost of the infrastructure would have been financed by the government. Sure, But again I ask: WITH WHAT MONEY?
Now Brazil on the other hand is experiencing a great economic growth. It is reported that Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and the City of Rio de Janeiro proposed investments upwards of $11.1 billion in preparation for the games. Chicago, came in at roughly $5 billion. We were out of the competition before it even started. And, aside from offering the largest budget for preparation of the games, President Lula has been out lobbying and hawking Rio for the 2016 games since 2008. To put it blatantly, we’re a day late and billions of dollars short.
2. Chicago overestimated its support. Just because you get Oprah to co-sign on Chicago, doesn’t mean you will automatically get the bid. Also, we were banking on Obama going over there, after having absolutely NO real input in the matter prior to going to Copenhagen, and being liked by the Europeans. That’s fine, but the Europeans weren't voting. Doesn’t it make sense to get in with the people whose decision actually matters? C’mon Chicago and the U.S. it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.
3. We lost on International appeal. If I could choose between Chicago and Rio, I would most likely choose the diverse culture and beautiful backdrops of Rio… unless I was looking for a vacation that involves being shot or was interested in parks (which, by the way, was the pitch they were using in the bid to get the Olympics set here. Nice Parks). Again, no competition.
To be clear, I’m not Hatin’ that we lost the bid, I’m hatin' at how this is now a National catastrophe. Seriously? We have far more important things to worry about than the 2016 Olympics, like, oh, I don’t know, the 2009 failing economy, the 2009 failing state of healthcare, 2009 immigration laws, the state of our prison systems... in 2009... just to name a few.
Extremist, please get over yourself. I think people are just looking for yet another reason to place blame on Obama for not getting us a win; for letting us down again. Even on Obama’s best day and if he were give the ability to part the Red Sea, in all likelihood, we still wouldn’t have won the bid.
Spread the Hate!
We have had the Olympics a bazillion times and the entire continent of South America has never seen it once. People need to learn how to share.