Friday, December 9, 2011

I’m HATIN’: Because A Rant, By Any Other Name, Still Sounds SWEET

Good Day, HATERS!

I write this post today, feeling conflicted.

In writing a new post, I typically go through a process where I collect my thoughts on any particular topic, research all there is to know about said topic, begin drafting, what I like to think is witty banter, and the complete essence of HATIN’ and then deliver it in a package for you to enjoy.

Well, today, my good HATERS, I’m not going to do that. Call it lazy, a complete lack of time or whatever you like; Today, I just feel like RANTING! So, I am going to do an I’m HATIN first and just throw a bunch of thoughts, ideas and view points your way and hopefully encourage you to converse about these topics and essentially write the post for me.

So, here goes…

Sandusky and Penn State- I DON’T UNDERSTAND. This man, at the time of this post, has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against 10 minors, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, he is allowed out on bail. Grant it, the bail, most recently set at $250,000 for the two-most recent charges, is a hefty bill to the common man, but Sandusky, as any Penn State supporter will tell you, is not just ANY man and can afford the minor inconvenience of bail. His connections and money are obviously beating out our beloved ethics and concept of “right and wrong.” Every person has the right to be defended, YES, but comfortable bail set for someone who has been accused of heinous acts against children? I’ll let you be the judge

2012 Presidential Race – I can sum up my opinions in one question “Are these candidates REALLY the best that America has to offer?” I’m just sayin’.

Shouldn’t we expect more from the man or woman who is to lead our country out of debt, war, economic and social depression and into an era of REBIRTH?

In a country where the national unemployment rate is at 8.6%, I feel, with a pool of prospects that large, we can be a bit more selective in who we hire to be the next Commander and Chief. I mean, who is in charge of HR here? I feel that congress, with the help of the American people (because let’s face it, they need all the help they can get) should begin recruiting for the next President of the United States. We’ll narrow it down to the best candidates, i.e. experience, business background, community involvement, accounting, conflict resolution issues, etc., and put them up against our current President. Then, let we, the people, vote.

If you have a better idea, I’m all ears. It can’t be worse than the folks running now.

The following joke by comedian and political commentator, Bill Maher, sums up my thoughts on the candidates: ''If Bachmann and Palin get in, that's two bimbos. And there there's Mitt Romney, the millionaire and Newt Gingrich, a professor. We just need a skipper and a buddy and we've got 'Gilligan's Island.''

I will say this now, and I hope you good HATERS keep me to this promise: If in 2012 we have a President named Bachmann, Palin or Gingrich, I’m moving to another country!
Kim Kardashian and the entire Kardashian Klan – PLEASE STOP THE INSANITY. If we spent half the amount of time we waste daily on talking, thinking and even caring about Kim K. and her two-bit krew, on real issues that actually affect us, such as hunger, the poor, unemployment, healthcare, the economy, education, the war and our soldiers, racial and gender inequality, etc., we’d have most of the world issues solved before the evening news.

If I see one more photo or hear one more story about her real marriage, her fake marriage, her sister’s marriage, her unmarried pregnant sister, her cheating mother or her dancing brother, somebody might have to die.

Let’s stop getting sucked in and let’s start using our head… that’s that great lump that, for most of us, is still two feet above our ass.

Obama administration refuses to relax Plan B restrictions – I agree! Having this emergency contraceptive option, behind the pharmacy counter ensures that the intended user is made aware of the drug’s effects as it relates to their body and any negative interaction with other medications. By making it available next to the condoms and other prophylactics, we're sending a message that this is an option of birth control, which it is NOT. It is only to be used if other modes of birth control fail, within a 72-hour window of time, of course.

I think naysayers are relying too heavily on the common sense of people who, consequently, failed at birth control to begin with.

Unemployment Benefits – The whole concept of Unemployment needs to be revamped. I understand the basic mechanics of how the system works, but what I don’t understand is how some millionaires collect benefits while some of the most impoverished former workers get nothing.

The system needs a complete overhaul, starting with the criteria for “Unemployment” and oversight as to how the funds are distributed. Let’s also look at the time spent on unemployment, proof of looking for work, reporting and how employees, employers and taxpayers pay into the system, is done. I feel that these could use a good revamping, too. I’m all for using these funds to supplement your bills and necessities, until you are able to find a new job, or perhaps, start a business of your own, but when people take advantage of the system, everyone loses.
Pyramid Schemes- JUST DON'T DO IT! Maybe it's a symptom of the times - people laid off and out of work - but I have been approached by more people selling me the notion of untold FORTUNE through secondary income. And the sales pitches are so awkward, especially when I see the pay scale resembling an all too familiar unsustainable business model. Whether its beauty, consumer goods, energy or life science... I'm just not going for it.

Keep HATIN’ Alive!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I’m HATIN’: Because “Occupying” EVERY City In America Still Hasn’t Affected the Unemployment Rate

Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Philadelphia. Occupy D.C. Occupy Chicago.

What do all of these things all have in common?... Those doing the Occupying are still unemployed.

Yes, it’s sad, but true.

The "Occupy" protests, as defined by Wikipedia, “are an ongoing series of international protests which began in mid-September 2011 and are primarily against social and economic inequality, corporate greed and influence of corporate money and lobbyists on government. The protests take their name from their solidarity with, and similar organizational tactics to, the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City. "Occupy" protests commonly use the #Occupy hashtag format, the slogan “We are the 99%,” and organize through websites such as "Occupy Together."

Protests have taken place in over 900 cities across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas.”

In speaking solely on the efforts here in the US, my number one issue with the protests and ultimate rationale for HATIN’ is due, largely, on the fact that “Occupyers” have no REAL demands.


In my previous post, I'm HATIN': Because We The People Just Aren't That Organized, you heard me say that we, the “People,” aren’t organized enough to elicit social change; that we aren’t mad enough, and how I wished that I could take part in championing for a cause that would actually change policy for me and generations after me. So, upon first hearing about the “Occupy” protests, I was intrigued and excited. We, the people, were finally pissed off. But after weeks of ho-hum marches, supposed hunger strikes and quasi-entertaining signage, I see absolutely NO CHANGE! Sad to be the one to break it to you folks, but #Occupy is not the answer.

I think the fundamental issue with the “Occupy” movement is that they haven’t yet asked for anything concrete. Saying you want more jobs, without any specific ideas/recommendations as to how those jobs would come into existence, is a detriment to your cause. In reality, the “Occupyer’s” have shown no real reason as to why new jobs should be created for them nor have they shown what lengths they will go to in order to get what they want. Sitting on City property, beating bongos, drinking $4 vanilla chai latte’s and checking in to the protests via Foursquare from your iPad, hardly shows your seriousness and dedication to equal opportunity.

When the media compares your protest to Woodstock, you, my friend, should pack up and start working on a Plan B.

In order to affect the supposed 1% of the country’s wealthiest people, you have to hit them where it hurts, their wallet. Just asking for them to “be fair” isn’t going to work. We have to demand it and, for those less radical than me, you may want to close your virgin eyes to what I’m about to say next…TAKE IT (if necessary).

What should we be demanding, Good Haters? I’m glad you asked. Below is I’m HATIN’s list of demands from the nation’s 1%, hoping to improve the lives, if only by a little, of the other 99%.
  1. Stop offshoring jobs. Companies that ship jobs overseas should be required to pay $16,000, per job that is not on US soil ($16,000 reflects what one person would make (approx), per year, under Federal minimum wage). It doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you’re talking about 10,000+ jobs, the numbers get steep. Oversight will be crucial to the success of this and the money collected from this initiative would go to assistance for budding entrepreneurs, who look to keep jobs here.

  2. Free college tuition for career paths that would grow our national economy and lessen our dependence on foreign goods and materials. Liberal Arts majors need not apply, but agriculturalists/farmers, energy/natural gas sciences, architecture and construction; you, my friends, are eligible.

  3. Expunge all college loan debt. Hey, the taxpayers bailed out the banks, it’s our turn. Quid pro quo, mothersuckers… or do I mean moneysuckers?

  4. No Fundraising for Government Officials. This means you Barack Obama. Our President is set to break the fundraising record and raise $1 billion dollars for his re-election campaign. SERIOUSLY? You know what re-elects you? RESULTS. If we gave everyone the same amount of advertising, speaking and debate time, as opposed to giving it to those with the fattest wallets, imagine what our votes would be based on. GASP, perhaps, the issues! Plus, imagine what programs could be funded with all those billions of dollars.

Now, we probably wouldn’t get all of this… or any of it, really, but hey, at least it’s a jumping off point to begin negotiations.

I’m just Sayin’

Also, as I said, we have to show we’re serious. If they don’t expunge college loan debt, everybody STOP paying. We’ll start with Fannie Mae and work our way down until all institutions don’t have any money. We engage in class action suits against the banks and colleges and universities for faulty promises of job security. We have to be vigilant.

I can’t tell you how much it angers me that “Occupy” protesters are actually asking for the right to protest, including obtaining city permits, like it is some type of block party. WTF? You’re not supposed to ask. You’re angry, remember? JUST DO IT.


Though, despite all my HATIN’, I failed to mention some of the things I like about the “Occupy” protests, such as many sites providing lectures on "Financial Inequality" and, in Philly, even beginning a "People's Law School," providing community legal services to attendees.

I guess it’s better than nothing!

Power to the HATIN'

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm HATIN'... But Not On This!


This video was HILARIOUS to me, but, more than funny, this man actually makes a VERY, VERY good point.

Take a listen...

WARNING: Language used in the video may be considered offensive.

Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm HATIN': Because We The People Just Aren't That Organized

I received the email, enclosed below, this week, about what the American people should do regarding the debt crisis situation, and thought, "What a FANTASTIC idea... Now, if only we could come together to make it happen!"

Sad to say, but we, as American taxpayers and voters, are just not organized, passionate or pissed off enough to illicit the changes we wish to see, in how our country is run.

Here is the email:

Thought this was worth passing on....if it would only work!

I have totally cleaned this e-mail from all other names, sending it to you in hopes you will keep it going and keep it clean. This is something I will fight for and I hope you all read it all the way through. You will be glad you did.

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971...before computers, before e-mail, before cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land...all because of public pressure.

I'm asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2011

1. No Tenure / No Pension.
A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/12.
The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message. Maybe it is time.


I swear, I LONG for the day where we, the people, collectively say enough is enough, follow the footsteps of our ancestors and rebel/revolt against injustices done to us, each and every day, i.e. inappropriate taxation, inequality, racism (yes, it still exists, no matter how much we'd like to believe in the heavily marketed "Post-Racial Society") cuts to federal programs, healthcare, education... the list could go on forever.

I get excited at the thought of marching on Capitol Hill, boycotting in some major way or one day being able to say to my kids, kids, that this country was going to "hell and a handbasket" (random saying, I know, but that's what you say when you're old and you're kids have kids) and I took a stand to give them a better future.

Honestly, I want to pull out, my "Power Fist" afro hair pick, and not just for nostalgia!

But, the one thing that this otherwise AMAZING email is missing is the ACTION STEPS! Emailing it to eachother is just the beginning. After everyone has seen it, what then? How are we to get it passed? How are we to apply pressure and get what we want? Lots of questions, very little answers!

Keep HATIN' Alive, People!

Just for fun, I've also included, for your viewing pleasure, a HILARIOUS... but kinda sad, take on the debt crisis situation, as told by John Stewart and the Daily Show.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm HATIN': Summer Madness

Now that the summer is in full swing (almost over, as a matter of fact), there are a few happenings and running trends that should be stopped immediately, if not sooner, for the sake of all that is holy and non-stupid.

Fall into the HATIN’

Flash Mobs
Philadelphia this means you.

Leave it to the “City of Brotherly Love” to take something jovial and lighthearted and turn it into something violent and ridiculous. You’ve seen the stories… citizens being threatened, physically accosted and robbed at the hands of young boys and girls, who collectively plan, through use of social media outlets, attacks on City residents.

Where did we go so terribly wrong?

Historically, “Flash Mobs”are typically a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, and perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment and/or satire (Wikipedia). When did it get violent?

I’ve actually seen a Flash Mob in action, first hand, and it is a bit terrifying. Hundreds of kids (aged 12-20 approximately) screaming, fighting each other in the streets or even running into people, like some sort of riot.

This must end. Flash Mobers, please find something constructive to do. Thanks!

This is just stupid. I’m almost tempted not to HATE on it because planking, if done correctly, is actually kinda funny. But the mere fact that people are dying as a result of this ridiculous act, leaves us just cause for HATIN’

As defined by Wikipedia, planking is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game. “Plankers” compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play. The location should also be as public as possible, and as many people as possible should be involved.

Below, I’ve pictured some of my favorite planking shots.

Again, this seems like harmless fun but when people begin being hit by cars for planking across a three-lane highway or falling to their death as a result of planking on a balcony or fire escape, we must speak up.


Livin’ the Lyrics
OK, so this may not be a new phenomenon, but it is seemingly making its way back to popularity so let’s attempt to “nip it in the bud” before this goes too far.

Now, I hear you asking, “What are ‘Livin’ The Lyrics’?” Good question.

“Livin’ The Lyrics” is when an individual incorporates language found in popular songs of the day into general conversation.

For example,

Gentleman 1: So, after you told your boss that you weren’t coming in, what did he say?
Gentleman 2: Oh, he flipped like he was “ON ONE*.” But he knows what time it is. I run this!


Lady 1: So, how was your date last night?
Lady 2: Girl, he was straight trippin’. Acting like I’m not his Motivation*… But I made sure to let him know who Run The World*

*Songs referenced: I’m On One by DJ Khaled, Featuring Drake, Rick Ross and Lil’ Wayne; Motivation by Kelly Rowland and Run The World (Girls) by Beyonce.

Yea, it’s just that bad.

HATIN’ Since 1984

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I’m HATIN’: Because bin Laden is “Dead” and We’re Still Up Crap’s Creek

You know I had to talk about Osama bin Laden!

In writing this post, I tried to wait until the fanfare surrounding his ALLEGED death, died down, to truly get to the bottom of this issue. With the US’ ‘Public Enemy’ number one now ALLEGEDLY dead, who will we blame EVERYTHING on?

The America public is gullible, The US government, liars and, therefore folks, I’m HATIN’

I’m not going to get into my thoughts on the details of Osama bin Laden’s SUPPOSED death, but more on what we’re going to do now that he is “out of the picture.”

I was listening to NPR (no judgment) last week and a gentleman by the name of Rob Schultheis, author of Hunting bin Laden: How al-Qaeda Is Winning the War on Terror, was on the air, discussing the recent news on bin Laden’s death, President Obama’s decision to keep American troops in Afghanistan and what the US can expect as retaliation from al-Qaeda. Yes, retaliation is inevitable... or use of fear tactics surrounding retaliation is inevitable. But moving on… Mr. Schultheis said something in that interview that REALLY resonated with me and spoke to me on another level, and, as a result good HATERS, I’ve had an A-HA moment. In the interview, he mentioned that al-Qaeda is winning the ‘War on Terror’ by hitting the US where it really hurts; our capitalist wallets.

Let’s break this down, shall we?

Schultheis explained that the 9/11attacks, known worldwide as a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001, outside of killing thousands of Americans, has cost the US more, financially, than it cost the terrorist to plot and execute.

Think about it; the US has spent billions of dollars trying to rebuild and repair much of New York City, where the towers fell; medication for those directly affected, i.e. fireman, police officers, etc.; going to war (which we are still fighting, by the way); enhancing and beefing up airport security; training pilots on how to fight against terrorist take-over; and hiring special agents to fly the not-so-friendly skies, as a safeguard. The list could go on forever, just tallying up what we now spend on American safety. It may have taken a few years to plan and thousands of dollars (maybe even millions) to assault the US, but we’re the ONLY ones still paying for it, almost 10 years later.

Think about how even smaller-scale, planned attacks have affected us… chemical warfare, anti-terror raids, missile attacks, etc. – We’re paying for that too.

From this interview, I realized that we are being attacked in the smartest way imaginable… by fear and by weakening our own economy. Spending money we don’t have and relying on other countries for resources foreign to our own territories.

As of May 6, 2011, the Total Public Debt Outstanding of the United States of America was $14.32 trillion, meaning that we are borrowing more than 40 cents of every dollar we spend. That’s INSANITY (bet your credit debt isn’t looking so bad, right about now).

Terrorists understand that the US has an exhausted military and expense account and are taking advantage of that. What’s worse, we’re helping them. Our recession, almost new-age depression, may be a terroristic attack and we don’t even recognize it.

So, while people are concerned with the REAL story about Osama bin Laden’s death, body buried at sea and how the US has “won,” our dollar is weakening, the poverty rate is increasing and we’re showing our vulnerability by breathing easy at the “death” of a leader and assuming that the hate, ideologies and plans weren’t passed along to those who formerly followed.

Silly U.S., Terrorism doesn’t work that way… It’s not for kids!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm on Facebook at work too... But, In my defense, I am NOT in charge of running a country

House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)

The guy sitting in the row in front of these two....he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.

And these are the folks that couldn't get the budget out by Oct. 1. The same ones in control of your health care, cap and trade, etc. This is how they spend one of their 3-DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for (salary is about $179,000 per year, per person).

Certifiably HATIN'

I’M HATIN’: Because Technology is Making Us as Dumb as a Box of Rocks

Technology is making all of us dumb and dumberer.

I’ve been struggling with this post for some time now and am not so sure how to capture all of my anger, frustration and general confusion over the subject except to say, we are being stupefied by technology and are too dumb to know or care about it. And for that, my friends, I’m HATIN.’

I’ll try to make this post short and sweet seeing that, through research, I found out that most Americans, teen aged through adult years, only have a span of about 8 seconds for focused attention… 20 minutes for sustained attention, which is the level of attention that produces consistent results on a task over time… like reading this blog.

Technology is a double-edged sword. It is great in that it fuels the progression of our society, makes life easier through use of machines and devices and creates an air of possibility, posing the question of “what will they think of next?” But we have to ask ourselves, at what cost will all of this have on future generations.

Today’s millennials, also known as the “Google Generation,” are most at risk. In reading over a dozen articles/news stories about this topic, one conclusion is clear; today’s youth don’t know the basics of what most of us know (or should know). Now, I hear you asking, ‘well, what exactly don’t they know?’, so I’ve created a list of daily “do’s” that today’s teens should be familiar with, but aren’t. If you are a teenager and are reading this blog, I, a) want to applaud your attention skills, and b) implore you to review this list and rate yourself honestly against it. Today’s kids don’t know (and probably will never learn) how to:

  • Read maps (GPS has that covered, I guess)

  • Convert simple measurements, i.e. cups to quarts, tablespoons to cups, etc.

  • Recount days of the week (we think it’s simple, but with schools opting for “block scheduling,” many students see weekdays as letters, not dates)

  • Write checks or even balance a checkbook

  • Use a ruler

  • Read/interpret a food labels (no wonder their obese)

  • Tell time with an analog clock (yes, I mean a traditional clock with a face and hands)

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The problem really lies in the fact that technology has increased our response time to sending and receiving information and data, accounting for our decreased attention span, while also creating a world of distractions.

Even as I write this, I have my Facebook and Twitter pages up, have answered at least 3 text messages and checked incoming email from two different accounts.

Another adverse effect of technology is social interaction. I wholeheartedly believe that technology is the main cause for the increase in school violence and teen suicides.

Let’s face it, in this era of “Twitter Thugs,” (See I’m HATIN’ The Biggest Black Shames of 2010 post) instant digital video recordings and being able to bash/bad talk “friends,” classmates and peers with 140-characters or less, our kids have not had to deal with actual, face-to-face confrontation.

I find it hilarious that the media portrays bullying as this brand new phenomenon. It’s not. Grade and high schools have been hot beds for bulling since the beginning of time. I can say, with almost 100% certainty, that everyone, at some point in time, has been bullied. Maybe not beat up, but made fun of or talked about in some way. Right or wrong (mostly just wrong) it’s a part of growing up. But today’s kids don’t know how to handle bullying. With so many outlets, like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube, used to bash and bully people, I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it either.

Today’s youth have, on average, 387 Facebook “friends.” Not REAL friends. They spend more time alone, in their rooms, connecting with people digitally as opposed to sitting, face-to-face, conversing. If they only know how to communicate online, why does it shock us that they deal with confrontation online? Technology has made speaking to one another passé; you want to talk to a teenager today? Text them. Facebook them. Mention them in a tweet.

I cannot solely blame technology for our new-found stupidity; we are also to blame. We need to set boundaries and limitations as it relates to our use of technological devices. We must not be afraid to turn off our cell phones, mobile apps, iPad’s, Facebook and Twitter. The digital world will continue on without us. And I’m not saying, go cold turkey, but if your teenage kid is spending 6 hours a day on social media and internet sites or playing Xbox, unless otherwise doing homework, give them three hours, shut everything off and tell them to go outside or read a book… you know, that bound, 4 x 7 inch paperback instrument with words.

HATIN’: JLChapple Tested and Approved

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It’s a SHE Thang: Women in Business are Kind Of a Big Deal

I AM WOMAN- Watch me lead. Just in time for the recognition and celebration of Women’s History Month, The White House officially released “The State of American Women” and I must say, Sisters are doing it for themselves and, specifically, in the boardroom, business has never been better. But, what makes women such a vital component to the success and viability of today’s businesses? Is the post recession-era business model better suited for the fairer sex? And, what is it about the management style and work environment of women-owned businesses that trumps that of their male counterparts? Let’s dissect this “new-age working woman” phenomenon, shall we. Job Creation and Financial Domination- Used to be a “HE Thing” but now it’s a “SHE Thang” A recent article on claims that “Women are becoming the nation's job-creation engine,” starting and sustaining small businesses and establishing new jobs at a rate that far exceeds males. Female-owned small businesses, now just 16% of total U.S. employment, will be responsible for creating one-third of the 15.3 million new jobs anticipated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics by 2018. This job growth projection is based on factors that include faster growth rates of female-owned vs. male-owned businesses; higher college graduation rates by women than men; predicted growth of industry sectors and occupations traditionally dominated by women; and the fact that female-owned businesses, are more often self-funded than male-owned ones, therefore ending a reliance on bank financing at a time when lending practices are more restricted. When it comes to CEO pay at the top companies in the world, a handful of elite female executives are earning more, just ask Yahoo's Carol Bartz, who pulled in $47.2 million last year; Kraft's Irene Rosenfeld's, who brought home $26.3 million; and Indra Nooyi, the CEO of Pepsi Co., who earned $15.8 million. Bloomberg News recently reported that “Sixteen women heading companies in the S&P 500 Index averaged earnings of $14.2 million in their latest fiscal years, 43 percent more than the male average. The women who were also CEOs in 2008 got a 19 percent raise in 2009 -- while the men took a 5 percent pay cut.” Resourcefulness, Empathy and Inclusion as a Diligent Approach to Business Management- It’s a She Thang… Not Really a HE Thing Let’s face it, men and women are different. We have unique personality, physical, mental and psychological traits that set us apart, so why keep acting like we’re the same? Studies have found that female small-business owners and employees execute a deeply engaged, inclusive and horizontal approach to business, counteracting the top-down, command-and-control style long practiced by male-dominant businesses. When it comes to operating, running or working in most industries, women are shown to be concerned about:

  • Creating a positive working environment and opportunities for all

  • Employee satisfaction and happiness; giving employees reasons to feel part of a team

  • Valuing the range of business information and input available to them from sources such as the Internet, professional associations, hired consultants and employees

  • Having a succession plan in place and preparing for retirement

  • Keeping the customers they have

  • Cultivating customers who appreciate what they do

  • Meaningfully differentiating their businesses from their competitors'

  • Taking advantage of economic conditions, and

  • Knowing what other businesses in their like are doing to improve, succeed or fail

Male dominated business is typically authoritative in nature, brash and competitive and tends to stifle creativity and collaboration- undesirable for the post-recession business model.

WINNING Because Failure is Not an Option- The Most Important SHE Thang

Women have been undervalued, underpaid and underutilized in business since its very beginning. As a result, women have had to adapt, show strength and ability, and in many cases work twice as hard as their male counterparts to be recognized as an asset.

A 2007 survey suggests that one of the most damning obstacles blocking women from the boardroom is negative attitudes about women leaders — attitudes women themselves still harbor.

“One cannot live in a sexist society without absorbing some of those messages, which make women feel worse about themselves and suspicious of other women," said Janet Lever, a professor of sociology at California State University in Los Angeles, who helped conceive the survey. "The enemy is omnipresent cultural messages, not women themselves."

“It’s all about preconceived notions of the leader image,” says Claire Babrowski, the former CEO of RadioShack. “When people close their eyes and visualize the top dogs sitting around the corporate table,” she explains, “We picture men in leadership roles. As a woman you already have this hurdle to overcome.”

But we DO overcome. With more than 10 million female-owned businesses, more than 66 million women employed in the United States and by recently surpassing men and becoming the majority of the workforce for the first time in our country’s history, we continue to show and prove.

Like I said, it’s a SHE Thang!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I’M HATIN’: Because “She Gon’ Leave With Half”... And May Not Deserve It

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I decided, that instead of following the masses and continuing with the incessant barrage of commercial expressions of love and spam promoting the latest, greatest gifts to get your boo (sidebar: when did we start spending Apple iPad money for Valentine’s Day? I mean, REALLY? Close to $1,000 to say, “I love you?” I guess love doesn’t know it’s a recession), I’d like to reflect on the anti-love campaigns that have been even more prevalent this year.

I have received, seen and heard more “Love is for Sucker’s”-type of sentiments and advertisements than ever before and wholeheartedly believe that this is now the new norm. With the national divorce rate at more than 45%, more than 50% of the entire female population unmarried and the marriage rate in a constant, steep decline, it’s no wonder people are starting to bank on the failure of love. It’s profitable... and, hell, love costs.

Speaking of love costing more than a “thang,” the recent celebrity dramas surrounded by whether or not, after a divorce, the not-so-famous spouse should get half of the riches, intrigues me.

Think Tiger Woods and ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, who walked away from Cheetah... I mean, Tiger, with a reported $750 Million. Or Michael and Juanita Jordan; she reportedly left their union with $168 Million and also got to keep the couple's seven acre estate in Chicago and custody of their 3 children. Even Kelsey Grammer and his soon to be ex-wife Camille are fighting over the $10 Million she demanded as settlement.

These women are setting the new standard for big divorce paydays, but with the price tag of break-ups soaring, I have to ask, how much is too much?

From the breed-winner perspective, I can see how shelling out millions of dollars to your ex is not ideal. Did your other half put in the long hours at the office? Were they shooting the baskets and winning the games, unbeknownst to you? Did your spouse experience every hi and low that was associated with your climb to fame? It’s hard to say.

But, I also see the homemaker’s side. Kids don’t raise themselves. Long hours, in one way or another, takes a toll on them too. No, he/she didn’t exactly make the shots or produce the films, but comforting you when things weren’t going right or selling first copies of your CD’s out of the trunk of their Toyota Tercell still constitutes as work.

Personally, I like to look at marriage like a business deal/transaction because that’s precisely what it is. Remove the love and religious implications and ultimately what you have is a contract between two individuals; one that states what both parties are allowed to do and not do. The way I see it, when the contract ends both individuals should split the assets acquired together, equally and leave the union with whatever they had separately, prior to marriage. In the case of either party breaking or not fulfilling the contract, i.e. infidelity, violence, deception, etc., than the party who committed the infraction is at fault and should be held liable. It’s like when you break your cell phone contract and are forced to pay a cancellation fee, maybe there should be a marriage cancellation fee, minimal not in millions.

I think lawyers and disgruntled exes have gone too far in demanding financial retribution. When we start petitioning for money to maintain or “upkeep lifestyle,” monthly child support that rivals the cost of brand new sports cars and alimony in excess, we move past ending things amicably and begin to show traits of greed and entitlement.

If we look at other countries around the globe, many cultures and societies still consider divorce taboo and rarely allow it. In Ghana, for example, if two people decide to divorce, it means that both the man and woman have failed and brought shame to their respective families. And in Bali, Indonesia, as many of us learned through the novel and movie Eat Pray Love, the woman has absolutely no rights in the divorce proceedings and receives nothing, not even the children, once the union is dissolved.

The solution to this issue of how much is too much, as I see it, falls within the creation of a simple formula to assess just how much one should be awarded in a divorce settlement.

Judges should take into consideration the following marital attributes, prior to rendering their decisions:

  • Time- How long the couple was married? If anything less than 2 years, neither have a leg to stand on and each should take their own, individual bearings and go.
  • Income- This includes, of course, annual household income, but also factors in what each individual makes and what they made prior to the marriage, including a measure to account for inflation. This would help in eliminating the “gold digger” complex.
  • Children- How many were produced and a value of their general care.
  • Reason for Divorce- This is where we factor in the terms of the marital contract that were broken, pinpointing the individual at fault, and finally,
  • Future Selves- This is where we determine how well each party would live/survive without the other. If one half of the couple doesn’t work and has been out of a job for some time, consideration has to be given. And vice versa, if the divorcee is signing deals to be on the latest installment of Real Housewives of Bitter or Whatever County or already is on to the next boy/girl friend, then, obviously, their monetary settlement would decrease.

Now, I’m no mathematician, so figuring out the numerical/monetary values associated with the listed attributes and developing a Theorem of Love and Marriage is not my job, but ultimately you should arrive at a fair and decent number, in which both parties can live and be comfortable with.

Because if the roles were reversed and, let’s just say for sake of argument, your ex is now in the poor house, would we be so quick to demand half of his debt? Half of his repossessed car, truck or foreclosed home?

I don’t think so.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Biggest Black Shames of 2010: Let the HATIN’ Commence

The Biggest Black Shames of 2010

The official Biggest Black Shames of the year 2010; Let the HATIN’ Commence!

Hate it, or despise it, these were the African Americans who negatively made headlines this past year and were the very people of 2010 that made you say, “Damn, I wish they weren’t Black.” Here is the countdown of urban celebrities and organizations whose actions and statements we could’ve done without...

Antoine Dodson

If you don’t recall him by name, maybe you’ll recall Mr. Dodson’s infamous interview with Alabama NBC affiliate, WAFF-48 News, where Dodson is quoted saying, “...Hide ya’ kids, hide ya’ wife, hide ya’ husbands, cause they’re rapin’ everybody out here!”

What should have been a typical news story about a thwarted sexual assault attempt in a housing project, where Dodson resided, is now a catastrophic, bastardized auto-tune monstrosity, available on iTunes.

Dodson’s doo-rag and permed hair, flamboyant personality and choice of words has made him an instant internet sensation, with more than 16 million hits on YouTube (as of August 2010), more than 100,000 sales of the “Bed Intruder” song on iTunes, reaching #89 on
Billboard's Hot 100 list (September 2010), more than 1 million ringtone downloads (September 2010) and exposure from numerous TV appearances along with his short performance on BET’s 2010 Hip Hop Awards.

But wait, there’s more.

Mr. Dodson has also made a profit from selling imitation Halloween costumes of himself and T-shirts with his signature lines from the interview.

Head in hands, HATIN’

What’s next for Mr. Dodson? I know, why not put on a minstrel show. Yea! He can round up his family and housing project neighbors and put on a show, chock-full of “country-bumkin’” humor, blackface included. That will REALLY elevate the status of African Americans in this country.

I’m not 100% sure Mr. Dodson knows the total extent of damage he has caused by profiting off of his new-found celebrity. What I do know is Black people never looked so bad.

Bishop Eddie Long

...Or should we call him Longstroke?

In September 2010, Bishop Eddie Long, prominent pastor of a 25,000-member megachurch, outside of Atlanta, GA, and an anti-gay advocate, was accused by three different men, of using his influence and gifts - including cars, cash and travel - when they were 17 or 18 years old, to coerce them into sexual relations.

Long denies the allegations in a statement where he said, "Let me be clear. The charges against me and New Birth are false."

In his career, Long has called for a national ban on same-sex marriage and his church counsels gay members to become straight. In 2004, he led a march with Bernice King, daughter of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to support a national constitutional amendment to protect marriage "between one man and one woman." He also has released several gospel albums, authored books on relationships and spirituality and hosts a weekly television program.

This scandal shows the hypocrisy, greed and politics that exist in forms of organized religion, completely negating all of the good works that may have preceded the events in question. And whether the allegations are found to be true or false, it remains a low point for blacks in 2010.

Twitter Thugs

Yes, there is such a thing.

As insignificant as petty celebrity squabbles, to the more serious bickering between African-American youth, resulting in flash mobs and even murder, Twitter Thugin’ is all the rage and a terrible stain on the black pride banner.

Let’s review the evidence, shall we:

  • LA Lakers Matt Barnes vs. Basketball Wives Star, Shaunie O’Neal
    The basketball star went on a tirade and called out Ms. O’Neal and the other “Basketball Wives” for being every derogatory name in the book.

    Check out the Twitter Postings below to see for yourself.

  • Chris Brown vs. Soulja Boy

    I’m not even sure how this started… but, seemingly out of the blue, Soulja Boy tweeted "#ListenBitch @ChrisBrown & @BowWow followers together u still aint half way f**kin wit me lol."

    In case you can’t understand the misspelled, ignorant lingo spewed by Soulja Boy, allow me to interpret: Chris Brown and Bow Wow you do not have as many Twitter followers and friends as I do. Nan Nananah Nananah. Insert sticking out tongue here.

    Chris Brown then replies: "@souljaboytellem yall funny… lol." AND "@souljaboytellem and @bowwow what yall make in a show I make for an hour at an afterparty… jus sayin."

    Don’t know why Bow Wow was brought into this feud, but I’m glad he didn’t dignify this ridiculous back-and-forth banter with a response.

    In essence, Brown and Soulja Boy exchange a few more posts until Soulja Boy declared himself the winner.


  • The last infraction of 2010 involved Raz B vs. Chris Brown (AGAIN)

    This time, Raz B, formerly of boy band group B2K, started in on the dissing and, not one to be “disrespected,” Chris Brown retaliated.

    See their Twitter posts below. Although politically incorrect, I must say I agree with the sentiments of rapper/actor Xhibit when he was quoted as saying “Twitter beef's are like the Special Olympics, even if you win you're still retarded.”

    And, now, for the tragic…

    Twitter taunts between two young men, who grew up together, ends in blood.

    It started with140-character spurts of anger by victim Kwame Dancy, 22 and accused killer Jameg Blake, 22. But the tough talk exploded out of cyberspace and onto the streets of Harlem, where Dancy, a college student, was gunned down.

    Hours before the shooting, Dancy taunted Blake with a tweet: "N-----s is lookin for u don't think I won't give up ya address for a price betta chill asap!"Blake's Twitter account is also full of online disses, though only one tweet mentions Dancy by name: "R.I.P. Kwame" on Dec.3.

    Dancy's mother, Madeline Smith, is appalled Internet chest-thumping could have led to blood spilled on the sidewalk."That's not a reason to shoot somebody," she said last week. "That's crazy. I don't know what's going on with that Twitter thing."

    Dancy, who was studying to be a nurse, was killed by a shotgun blast to the neck Dec. 1 across from Lenox Terrace in Harlem, where he grew up with his father.

    Blake - who lived on the same floor as Dancy, was arrested two days later.

    Police sources said the two had a rocky relationship and the Twitter messages they posted - with friends jumping in - only made it worse.

Twitter Thugin… Something to LEAVE behind in 2010.


Many fights, not many wins.

This year, under the leadership of president Ben Jealous, the NAACP has engaged in many battles and wars against injustice and civil rights, but have very little to show for their efforts. Most notably, their battle with the Tea Party and in the case of Shirley Sherrod, the NAACP is getting further away from the national advocacy powerhouse that it used to be.

In July, the civil rights organization came out swinging against the far right Tea Party, filing a resolution condemning its racist factions. NAACP made claims that the Tea Party was responsible for promoting bigotry as well as calling African-American congressmen obscene names. Tea Party leaders weren't fazed, however, with Sarah Palin denouncing the claims as "typical divisive politics."

Not long after the NAACP accused the Tea Party of harboring racists, conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart, fired back by posting a video excerpt from a NAACP meeting in which Shirley Sherrod, an African-American employee at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, appeared to describe how she had racially discriminated against a white farmer — as the audience nodded approvingly.

Once the footage surfaced, Sherrod resigned. Everyone rushed to judgment — INCLUDING the NAACP, and condemned her remarks. But just one day later, general opinion had a complete change of heart, as Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack apologized for forcing Sherrod to step down. It seems that Breitbart had posted an edited version of the speech, lacking the latter half in which Sherrod described how the white farmer had led her to see beyond race, to see him as another poor person getting shafted by the system.

My question to the NAACP: what happened to the support? If you’re supposed to be the backbone of black America, we need a realignment.

Black Politicians- The Blame Shame Game

This includes you, Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters.

Not a great year for African-American political leaders.

First, let’s begin with NY Rep. Charles Rangel.

Beginning in 2008, Rangel faced a series of allegations of ethics violations and failures to comply with tax laws. The United States House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct focused on whether Rangel improperly rented multiple rent-controlled New York City apartments, improperly used his office in raising money for the Rangel Center at the City College of New York and failed to disclose rental income from his villa in the Dominican Republic. In March 2010, Rangel stepped aside as Ways and Means Chair and in November 2010, the Ethics Committee found Rangel guilty of 11 of 13 accused counts of violating House ethics rules. On December 2, the House approved a sanction of censure against Rangel.

Be sure to check out my colleague Slim Jackson’s in depth piece on Hon. (or not so honorable) Charles Rangel in his post
Rangel is Walking on Water.

Rep. Maxine Waters’ case, however, revolves around allegations that she improperly intervened with federal regulators to help a bank that her husband owned stock in and on whose board he once served.

Waters denies any wrongdoing.

"Congresswoman Waters has chosen to go through an adjudicatory subcommittee hearing, rather than accept any of the counts from the investigative subcommittee," a source close to the case told POLITICO.

Trial date to be determined.

And lastly, I came across this New York Times article that questions the funding and double standard loopholes of the Congressional Black Caucus, suggesting that it is a “hotbed for privilege and corruption.”
In Black Caucus, a Fund-Raising Powerhouse .

So, Here’s to 2011… Let’s bring BLACK back with no more shame in our game.