New to I’m HATIN’ is “HATED IT:A Week in Review” - a new segment where I will give you, good haters, topics/people/news/issues of the past week, that have just cause for HATIN’. Again this is an open forum and your submissions and feedback are encouraged.
Let’s begin…

Jay-Z, Beyonce and Baby Blue – You already know why. Moniker aside, the hype surrounding the birth of this kid is RIDICULOUS and Jay and Bey seem to be LOVING it. How was the baby born Saturday and papa Jay already has a devotional song, featuring baby Blue (already got her singing hooks and writing credits) on the Billboard charts? WTF? Also, the fact that the supercouple dropped $1.3 million dollars to buy the floor of the hospital, to have the baby, is insane. If they wanted privacy, why not have it at home and take the $1.3 mil and buy themselves an entire hospital staff? No, instead they piss off new mothers and fathers who, ultimately, want the same thing they want – to see their child brought into the world, happy and healthy.

Republican Primaries – Referencing the post “I’m HATIN’: Because A Rant, By Any Other Name, Still Sounds SWEET” is this REALLY the best we can do America? REALLY? Also, voter turnout at these things is so low, saying that any one candidate is a “frontrunner” is nonsense, hogwash and hooey.
Casey Anthony – PLEASE SHUT UP! This woman narrowly escaped murder charges as it relates to the death of her one-year-old daughter, Caylee, and now she just won’t go away. First, she start’s putting out YouTube videos, then she fires her lawyer (the one who got her off, mind you) for not securing her a high-priced, high-profile interview with media and now she claims that little baby Caylee was the result of date rape. SIGH! Casey Anthony, you escaped life in prison; do us all a favor… DISAPPEAR
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