Good Day, HATERS!
I write this post today, feeling conflicted.
In writing a new post, I typically go through a process where I collect my thoughts on any particular topic, research all there is to know about said topic, begin drafting, what I like to think is witty banter, and the complete essence of HATIN’ and then deliver it in a package for you to enjoy.
Well, today, my good HATERS, I’m not going to do that. Call it lazy, a complete lack of time or whatever you like; Today, I just feel like RANTING! So, I am going to do an I’m HATIN first and just throw a bunch of thoughts, ideas and view points your way and hopefully encourage you to converse about these topics and essentially write the post for me.
So, here goes…

Sandusky and Penn State- I DON’T UNDERSTAND. This man, at the time of this post, has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against 10 minors, and for some reason unbeknownst to me, he is allowed out on bail. Grant it, the bail, most recently set at $250,000 for the two-most recent charges, is a hefty bill to the common man, but Sandusky, as any Penn State supporter will tell you, is not just ANY man and can afford the minor inconvenience of bail. His connections and money are obviously beating out our beloved ethics and concept of “right and wrong.” Every person has the right to be defended, YES, but comfortable bail set for someone who has been accused of heinous acts against children? I’ll let you be the judge

2012 Presidential Race – I can sum up my opinions in one question “Are these candidates REALLY the best that America has to offer?” I’m just sayin’.
Shouldn’t we expect more from the man or woman who is to lead our country out of debt, war, economic and social depression and into an era of REBIRTH?
In a country where the national unemployment rate is at 8.6%, I feel, with a pool of prospects that large, we can be a bit more selective in who we hire to be the next Commander and Chief. I mean, who is in charge of HR here? I feel that congress, with the help of the American people (because let’s face it, they need all the help they can get) should begin recruiting for the next President of the United States. We’ll narrow it down to the best candidates, i.e. experience, business background, community involvement, accounting, conflict resolution issues, etc., and put them up against our current President. Then, let we, the people, vote.
If you have a better idea, I’m all ears. It can’t be worse than the folks running now.
The following joke by comedian and political commentator, Bill Maher, sums up my thoughts on the candidates: ''If Bachmann and Palin get in, that's two bimbos. And there there's Mitt Romney, the millionaire and Newt Gingrich, a professor. We just need a skipper and a buddy and we've got 'Gilligan's Island.''
I will say this now, and I hope you good HATERS keep me to this promise: If in 2012 we have a President named Bachmann, Palin or Gingrich, I’m moving to another country!

Kim Kardashian and the entire Kardashian Klan – PLEASE STOP THE INSANITY. If we spent half the amount of time we waste daily on talking, thinking and even caring about Kim K. and her two-bit krew, on real issues that actually affect us, such as hunger, the poor, unemployment, healthcare, the economy, education, the war and our soldiers, racial and gender inequality, etc., we’d have most of the world issues solved before the evening news.
If I see one more photo or hear one more story about her real marriage, her fake marriage, her sister’s marriage, her unmarried pregnant sister, her cheating mother or her dancing brother, somebody might have to die.
Let’s stop getting sucked in and let’s start using our head… that’s that great lump that, for most of us, is still two feet above our ass.

Obama administration refuses to relax Plan B restrictions – I agree! Having this emergency contraceptive option, behind the pharmacy counter ensures that the intended user is made aware of the drug’s effects as it relates to their body and any negative interaction with other medications. By making it available next to the condoms and other prophylactics, we're sending a message that this is an option of birth control, which it is NOT. It is only to be used if other modes of birth control fail, within a 72-hour window of time, of course.
I think naysayers are relying too heavily on the common sense of people who, consequently, failed at birth control to begin with.

Unemployment Benefits – The whole concept of Unemployment needs to be revamped. I understand the basic mechanics of how the system works, but what I don’t understand is how some millionaires collect benefits while some of the most impoverished former workers get nothing.
The system needs a complete overhaul, starting with the criteria for “Unemployment” and oversight as to how the funds are distributed. Let’s also look at the time spent on unemployment, proof of looking for work, reporting and how employees, employers and taxpayers pay into the system, is done. I feel that these could use a good revamping, too. I’m all for using these funds to supplement your bills and necessities, until you are able to find a new job, or perhaps, start a business of your own, but when people take advantage of the system, everyone loses.

Pyramid Schemes- JUST DON'T DO IT! Maybe it's a symptom of the times - people laid off and out of work - but I have been approached by more people selling me the notion of untold FORTUNE through secondary income. And the sales pitches are so awkward, especially when I see the pay scale resembling an all too familiar unsustainable business model. Whether its beauty, consumer goods, energy or life science... I'm just not going for it.
Keep HATIN’ Alive!
LMAO You're the best!
ReplyDeleteyo cuz your goin in hard....making some major valid points...I'm not right
ReplyDelete@Jen2 - Thanks Friend :-) I appreciate the support and continued reading of the blog.
ReplyDelete@anonymous - Thanks for your input. Makes me feel like it's not "Just Me."