Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday HATIN' Continued... Because HATIN' Doesn't Take A Holiday

As promised, the last 6 points/days of HATIN’

#6 New Age Holiday Music
So, I absolutely LOVE holiday music. It is just amazing. I mean, nothing else can get you into the spirit quite like a good holiday carol or time-honored Christmas tune.

There is only one thing that can make a good Christmas song go bad… new age teenyboppers attempting to sing/master it.


New age Christmas songs are so absolutely horrid that I don’t know who to HATE on first - the artist for their terrible rendition, the record company for actually producing it or retail stores for allowing such songs to be played, while innocent shoppers are forced to listen, whether in line or rummaging through the racks. New age Christmas songs just don’t compare to the classics. They don’t give you luke-warm feeling inside. The only feeling I get is nausea.

Attention to All Recoding Artist: If you are listed below, please, for the love all things holy, do NOT make a (another) Christmas song/album.

  • Mariah Carey (Hang it up Mariah. Your past Christmas songs are GREAT, but you no longer have the pipes for it)

  • Jonas Brothers

  • Mylie Cyrus

  • Taylor Swift

  • Any Country Music singer

  • Any Rapper

  • Jessica Simpson (No More PLEASE)

  • Anyone whose vocal skills are highly debatable, i.e. Fergie

  • Anyone under the age of 25

  • Anyone who applauds themselves on their sick guitar rifts… you don’t need a Christmas song

#5. Lack of Snow Cleanup
I’m seriously HATIN’ on any state or city, who, as a result of location, regularly gets snow, but hasn’t figured out how to clean it up.


In Philadelphia, this past weekend, we got about two feet of snow… and its still not cleaned up. Each day I still see cars getting stuck in the middle of mainstream roads, and not a plow in sight. In many cities, Philadelphia especially, if it starts snowing or is even in the forecast, the entire city is likely to shut down. No schools, no markets… nobody in business. This is beyond ridiculous! Why haven’t we figured out how to deal with snow?

Buffalo, NY has figured out how to deal with snow. Alaska has figured out how to deal with snow. Even all of CANADA has figured it out.

Let us add this to our list of resolutions for 2010, because this just makes no sense.

#4. Wrapping Paper
When did wrapping paper get so expensive?

I’m supposed to spend $5.99 for a two-pack roll of decorated paper and another $1.99 for Scotch tape, for it to ultimately end up, ripped to shreds and in the trash.

No thank you.

#3. Mall Santa’s
Is it me, or have the Mall Santa Claus’ gotten homely looking?

Go ahead, check-out you local mall and see what I’m talking about.

They look haggard and have taken that once jolly disposition and turned it into a Grinch, Scrooge-like, bah hum bug-type of existence.

Word to the wise, don’t mess with Santa.

See what I mean.

#2. Neighbors Trying to Outdo Me with Their Light Display
Please explain to me why it is necessary to have an 8 foot inflatable “Frosty the Snowman” snow globe, life size nativity scene and lights on every surface of your house, during this time of year?

Decorations are great, and far be it from me to deny anyone of their creativity, but please let’s take it easy. Don’t be “That Neighbor” who just goes WAY overboard. PECO may LOVE you, but We’re HATIN’.

And Finally, #1. Holiday Joy Stealers

This is self-explanatory, but still needs to be said.

This holiday season, don’t let anyone steal your joy. I know it’s hard to keep spirits high, especially when negativity looms around the pressures of the season (i.e. shopping/gift giving, spending money, new years, etc.), but remember that this holiday is about LOVE, Charity, Generosity, Hope and supreme Joy/Happiness.

From me to you, my devoted HATERS, I wish you the very best Christmas, Chanukah (or Hanukkah if you prefer) Ramadan, Kwanzaa or what ever your religious affiliation and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

I look forward to HATERific 2010.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

12 Days of Hatin’… I mean, Christmas

In continuing with the holiday spirit, my gift to you this year, good HATERS, is the gift of HATERATION (surprise, surprise). Seeing that we are around the twelfth day before Christmas, it seems only befitting that I give you good tidings of HATER-Joy.

Let the Twelve Points of HATIN’ commence…

#12. People trying to take Christ out of Christmas
Now, usually, I don’t get into religion and ones belief system, because I feel that everyone has the right to worship or believe in any and everything they deem worthy of believing in. I may not see eye-to-eye with their given beliefs, but I certainly respect it. So, with that being said, I’m HATIN' on people who take CHRIST out of CHRISTMAS.

Brief history… The Christmas holiday, or, to be more exact, Christmas Day is an annual holiday, celebrated on December 25 by members (and non-members) of the Christian faith, that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Celebratory customs include gift-giving and special church services to commemorate God's greatest gift given to the people of the world, the gift of the savior Jesus Christ.

Now, I won’t get into the complete commercialization of this beloved holiday, including Santa, tree decoration and such, because there is just not enough time. But, seeing that we all have an understanding of Christmas and its initial celebratory intent, may I ask why people are trying to take Christ out of Christmas?

I just don’t understand.

Taking the concept of Christ out of Christmas, is like taking Veterans out of Veteran’s Day… or like removing Columbus from Columbus Day. You basically have nothing to honor or celebrate. Saying Xmas just doesn’t seem quite right, now, does it?

I’m so tired of people trying to insert political correctness into things and situations that are not political. This is a faith-based holiday and should be treated as such. If you do not wish to take part in it, that’s your choice. But stop removing the meaning from the holiday, for your own selfish reasons.

This passage from, actor, author and lawyer, Ben Stein says it all,

“I have no freaking clue who Nick and Jessica are. I see them on the cover of People and Us constantly when I am buying my dog biscuits and kitty litter…Who are they? Why are they so important? …

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees. It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, "Merry Christmas" to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat. Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship Nick and Jessica and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where Nick and Jessica came from and where the America we knew went to.”

Get with the program people


#11. Retail Stores that Impress You with GREAT Christmas Advertising, But SUCK at actually selling you what was advertised

This Means You, Gap, Inc.

I’m HATIN’ on the fact that we are bombarded and inundated with retail commercial, after retail commercial, convincing us that we need everything from new cable neck, cashmere sweaters to Wii gaming consoles. What kills me most is that when we finally give in and head out, combating the mass of crazed crowds, to shop at the desired retail outlet, the store fails to deliver.

We hear “What’s on the rack (or pile of crap on the floor) is what we have in stock,” or “We have a NO RETURN policy. Would you like store credit?,” and of course, my personal favorite, “The advertised price is only applicable on the third Tuesday of December between 12:00pm and 12:15pm.”

Whatever happened to the concept of Customer Service, or that old saying, “The Customer is always right”?

Fa-La-La-La-La, HATIN’!

#10. Greed and Selfishness
This is self explanatory and runs rampant during the holiday season.

#9. Everybody Suddenly has a Cause.
On the flip side of selfishness, it seems as though everyone you know, now, all of a sudden, has a cause they want you to donate to or support.

It’s not enough that the Salvation Army Santa follows you into every store, ringing his bell, waiting to see if you get a little bit of change for his red bucket, but now, you have to give to all of your friends and acquaintances charity of choice.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am completely FOR giving to charity, but it seems that donation requests are at an all time high, during this time of year and people don’t quite understand that we just can’t give to everybody’s charity.

Word to the wise for those seeking donations: Start early and make your requests known in July.


#8. Generic Christmas Cards
C’mon people. If you’re going to take the time to pick out the cards, buy postage and mail them out, at least, take a little extra time to throw in a personal touch. It makes a difference.

I personally like e-cards. They’re cost effective, require no postage and can be customized to the intended recipients. A generic card, with your stamped signature (shame, you didn’t even sign it yourself) is not well received and is a waste of your time and money.

#7. The conspiracy of Food Retailers and Fitness Facilities to Get You Fat and Resolve You Thin.
It’s no coincidence that you see a plethora of food commercials every day after Thanksgiving, and up until the day after Christmas. Nor is it a coincidence that you see absolutely no fitness or gym advertisements during the same period, only starting up right before the New Year.

Why is this, you ask?

The food retailers prompt you to overindulge and buy their products, and when they’ve successfully fattened you up, pawn you off to the gym Nazi’s to gobble up the rest of your money (a.k.a. whip you back into shape). They know you’ll spend top dollar to eat… and then top dollar to take it off.

Gym membership numbers skyrocket in January and most gyms oversell memberships knowing that a very high percentage of people will not even use them.

You have officially been tag-teamed… and you didn’t even see it coming.

HATE on it!

Stay Tuned for HATIN' Points #6-#1... It will be the Best Part of Your Holiday!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fill Up on the HATE: There is Plenty to Go Around!

It’s been a long time since my last post, and leaving you without something to HATE on was cruel. Call me sentimental, but when the holiday season begins, things look more merry than not. But that is no excuse for not HATIN,’ so here is a good dose of HATERky, mashed po-HATER, HATER’s pie and a nice cold glass of HATERADE to celebrate your holidays.

The 50 Cent and Rick Ross Beef

If you haven’t heard about this ridiculous beef between rappers 50 Cent and Rick Ross … THANK GOD! This has to be the worst, insignificantly meaningless beef ever in the history of the Hip Hop/Rap culture and maybe, the world.

If you have an appreciation for rappers and the music genre at all, I warn you, that after reading this, you may just become a country, classical or rock music listener. So, this beef began when Rick Ross released his song "Mafia Music," taking shots at 50 Cent. In “Mafia Music” Rick Ross is quoted saying "I love to pay her bills/can’t wait to pay her rent/Curtis Jackson baby mama/I aint askin for a cent/Burn the house down/gotta buy another/don’t forget the gas can/jealous, stupid mutha*BLEEP*"

So, 50 Cent comes back with a barrage of diss singles, YouTube and music videos striking back against Ross, many of which include Tia, one of Rick Ross’ son’s mothers. It is also reported that this all comes after a recent sex tape exploit in which 50 Cent’s is seen with Tia. 50 Cent states in a radio interview “I Know It's Comin From Khaled... Def Jam Is Already Wavin The White Flag... He Can't Recover From What I've Done... Tia Needed Some Affection... He's Callin Her Crazy Now."

Let me stop here.

These two self-proclaimed pimps look idiotic. The true pimps of this story, in my opinion, are the baby mamas. I mean, just to get back at one another, these two fools are willing to spend tons of money on women and kids that don’t belong to them. The worst part about it is, that if they were looking for some kind of publicity from this, they failed because 1. No one really knows about the beef and 2. Those that do know, don’t care.

This is beyond ridiculous. I’m not even going to dignify them with any more of my precious time or thoughts. They’re not even worth HATIN’ on… wait, what am I saying? Yes they are, HATE ON THEM!

Lil’ Wayne and his Women

On Monday of this week, Lil’ Wayne welcomed a baby boy and his fourth child, into the world with singer Nivea. Now, typically we don’t HATE on babies coming into the world, but when this is your second child this year, from different woman, there is just cause for HATIN’.

Lil Wayne has four children. His first, daughter Reginae, was born November 11th 1998 when Wayne was 16, to his high school sweetheart Antonia "Toya" Carter (née Johnson). Wayne and Johnson married on Valentine's Day of 2004 and divorced in 2006. His second child, Dwayne III, was born on October 22, 2008 at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati (mother only identified as a college student). His third child, Lennox Samuel Ari, was born to actress Lauren London on September 9, 2009. And finally, his fourth child on November 30, 2009 with singer Nivea.

I vote that all women should be mandated to take an I.Q./ State exam prior to reproducing and undergo psychiatric evaluation, prior to reproducing with Lil’ Wayne. Seriously, what was on their mind?

I also vote that Lil’ Wayne be banned from having any more children. Cut Him Off, literally or figuratively, whichever is most effective.


You knew it was coming. I couldn't write this blog post without making some kind of reference to Tiger Woods as it relates to his recent car crash and revelation of infidelity with multiple women.

The only real reason, I see, to HATE on Tiger is based on his naivety and ignorance about just what a POWERHOUSE the media is. I mean, sure, we can HATE on the fact that he cheated on his wife, crashed his car after she took a nine-iron and went Jazmine Sullivan-esqe on his head and back window, for denying that nothing was ever going on, etc. But, this is exactly what everyone else is doing.

Am I mad that he cheated… Not really. He didn't make a vow to me. That is between him and his wife and the marriage vows they made to each other. Now, I am disappointed on the kind of example he is setting for his own children and the kids that look up to him? Yes, but again, that’s on his shoulders.

Am I HATIN’ because his wife turned on the “CRAZY” and did a lil’ putting of her own? No, actually kinda proud. She showed that she had had enough and that she wasn’t playing his games anymore. Good for her. Now, do I approve of her methods, NO. But I guess she felt like she did what she had to do. Simple as that.

I believe, the aspect of this story that is truly HATEworthy, is how he thought that he wouldn’t get caught. Is he SERIOUS? There are voicemails, text messages and a host of women willing to speak up against the pro golfer. This man left too much incriminating evidence with too many mistresses, to not get caught. It was just a matter of time. He thought by lying, leaving holes in his story or by just not saying anything to both the police and the media about the accident, people would leave him alone. Tiger should have known better. He has seen many sports athletes go through the same thing, Kobe Bryant springs to mind, as does Shaquille O’Neal with his recent “baby mama” drama. The media is always waiting for a person of fame to get caught with their pants down. Tiger is no exception.

The job of the media is to uncover the truth about a situation, no matter how much it hurts your family or breaks up your marriage. If they can get ratings (which subsequently lead to more money) from your lil’ indiscretions, they will do whatever it takes to expose you, whether you’re Virgin Mary innocent or guilty as sin. That's not to say that the media is right to do this, but if you are an entertainer, including a sports entertainer, you know that this sad fact comes with the territory of you being in this industry.

In Tiger’s statement, released via his website, he states, “Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives.”

Saying this only makes it worse and drives the media to be unrelenting. You’re blaming the media for publicizing you personal business and affairs, but again, this comes a part of your career. You know this.

He continues, “But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.”

Yup, keep spewing your hate of the media; see if they will give you the privacy you seek.

The worse part about all of this is that it could have been easily avoided. If Tiger had just come out and told the police about their simple domestic dispute/argument that led to the car crash, he might have gotten away scott-free, with no need to mention the already present rumors about his infidelity. If he would have cooperated, just a little, it could have blown over in a few days.

Oh, Tiger… I’m HATIN’