Friday, September 14, 2012

Continued... I'm HATIN' Featured On The BuzzKlub

Happy Friday, good Haters!

Here is the continuation of my participation as a panelist on The Buzz Klub, hosted by Bintu ‘Honey b.’ Kabba.

As always, I welcome your comments and feedback.



  1. Where to begin? First, I'm an old head, that's my perspective. I've been in it for the long haul. I loved your presentation - all of these new platforms are wonderful. Second- change is a long haul proposition, I didn't get that nor especially care about that in my 20's, why should I have? I was high energy and blazing, thought someone 40 yrs. old had one foot in the grave. And stuff was really popping fast and hard in the 60's and early 70's. So I get it, but trust me- be who you are, do what you do, but if you're blessed to live past thirty years, you'll understand that change is about the long haul and the long view. When times like now get me down (the Reagan 80's were even more demoralizing), I focus on what my parents and ancestors before me had to deal with and overcome. They did it and so can we. But if you want right now all the time, it won't be happening. Right now is a toddler perspective. This Congress might take 4-8 more years to overcome; or we might be more quickly blessed if the entire voting populace (only a pathetic 1/3 of eligible Americans)wakes up and
    turns a bunch of these toddler suckers out of office in the upcoming election.

    Gail W., old head (I published as anonymous because I didn't understand URL- was it asking for my email address or what?).

    1. Thank you, Gail W., for your response.

      I absolutely LOVE hearing from an “Old Head,” because it is truly the older generations that have the clarity and perspectives we need to combat the persistent problems plaguing our culture and world today. I love the idea of mixing the wisdom and sometimes traditional mindset of the generations before me, with the energy, zeal and technology of my gen and those after me.

      I agree that we are in an era of instant gratification. I myself always talk about seeing change now, and can agree that it’s a “young” mindset to have when discussing important societal issues and problems of the day. But, I also feel, that if we don’t have a “NOW” sense of urgency, and if we don’t begin holding our public officials responsible, than nothing will ever be accomplished. We’ll have continued decades and centuries of the “same ol’, same ol’.”

      I hate how our politicians make promises to the American people that just happen to coincide with their terms and pending re-election. We, the people, need to start demanding for the changes we wish to see and organizing ourselves to show our true power.

      I'd better stop now before my simple reply becomes a rant and rave... Thanks again for your comments and support :-)
