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Image From: http://media.modbee.com/ |
Let’s talk about gun control.
I’m not going to argue the validity and necessity of our constitutional right to own and operate an automatic weapon; I am going to argue that we have a constitutional right NOT to be shot in the ass!
Apologies if I began this post a bit aggressive, but it KILLS me when national tragedies like the recent Aurora, Colorado shooting, in which innocent moviegoers experienced a rain of fire as gunman, James Holmes, without warrant or known cause, burst into a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," dressed head-to-toe in combat gear, tossed gas canisters into the crowd and opened fire, causing the death of 12 people and injuring more than 79 others.
Our President and his opponent held press conferences with “heavy hearts,” and were deeply saddened by the events that took place, but neither said very much exude confidence that events like this won’t happen again, or address the real, underlying issues, which are that our process and procedures for acquiring weapon permits, licenses to carry and the actual purchasing of weapons, needs a major overhaul.
I’m not sure why the founders and creators of our great constitution saw fit to have our right to “bear arms” as the second amendment (seems like so many other rights should have come before this) or why we, as Americans, have bastardized this right, but stricter gun control is needed and no one seems to be saying it. And for that, good readers, I’m HATIN.’
Let’s begin with the process of obtaining a license; in my research I have found that you do NOT need a license to own a gun! You do, however, need a license to carry a concealed weapon, but more on that later. So, what is needed to purchase a gun?, you ask; only to fill out minor paperwork and be 1. Over the age of 18 to purchase a rifle or shotgun, and 21 for purchasing handguns, machineguns, etc., 2. Not a convicted felon, and 3. Patient… wait time is typically between 48 or 72 hours for processing. Honestly, it seems easier than getting a driver’s license.
Now, if you wish to hunt, you must go through and pass a state sponsored Hunter’s Safety Course, typically 10 hours of training, over a two-day period.
As it pertains to obtaining a license to carry a concealed weapon; Wikipedia explains, “While there is no federal law specifically addressing the issuance of concealed carry permits, 49 states have passed laws allowing citizens to carry certain concealed firearms in public, either without a permit or after obtaining a permit from local government and/or law enforcement.”
Here are just a few of my problems with the current gun laws:
Why doesn’t the exam, in part, consist of a psychological evaluation? I hate when someone owns a gun, kills a bunch of people, then tries to escape persecution by using the “insanity plea.” Adding a “psych eval” as part of the permit/license process keeps guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them. Also, it takes away, in part, this pathetic attempt for getting away with murder. Win Win!
Why is there no oversight on the number of weapons any one individual purchases? And why is there not stricter control of internet sales? Only after a horrific crime does some source/expert come out of the woodwork and say “Well, the individual had an arsenal of 80 pistols, 50 shot guns, 10 AK47’s and the atom bomb. Who knew they would be a danger to society?” Ummm… I did. Anyone who chooses to become a one man army is capable of being a danger to society. For example, in the recent Colorado shooting, CBS News reported, "Through the Internet he (Holmes) purchased over 6,000 rounds of ammunition, more than 3,000 rounds of .223 ammunition for the assault rifle, 3,000 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition for the two Glocks in his possession and 300 rounds for the 12 gauge shotgun." Yea, he didn’t plan to do anything dangerous or harmful.
CBS also affirmed that “Sources say over the past several months, Holmes spent about $15,000 as he was putting together his deadly arsenal -- guns, chemicals, explosives, and ammunition.”
Why does the law differ, with regard to age, for certain types of guns? Because all 18 year olds, who can’t legally consume alcohol, should undoubtedly have the right to own a shot gun! That makes TOTAL sense. #SarcasmRules
Why is there no mandated training for operating a weapon, as part of the sales process? We’re encouraged/made to take classes for operating a car, motorcycle, commercial truck, why not for guns? Both, if left in the wrong hands, can kill someone.
And my list of questioning could go on forever…
Allow me to end this post by saying that I fully understand and respect the notion that “Guns don’t kill people; People kill people,” but, where I find fault is people killing people… with GUNS!
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Image From: http://www.everydaynodaysoff.com |
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