This whole issue of John Mayer and his so-called racist remarks, has me profoundly HATIN' on so many levels.
If you are not in the know, here’s the back story:
In a recent interview with Playboy Magazine, John Mayer, an American Singer-songwriter, musician, mouthed-off, giving way too much information and crossing the line of appropriate when he, not so discretely dropped the N-bomb.
PLAYBOY asked: If you didn’t know you, would you think you’re a douche bag?
MAYER: “It depends on what I picked up. My two biggest hits are “Your Body Is a Wonderland” and “Daughters.” If you think those songs are pandering, then you’ll think I’m a douche bag. It’s like I come on very strong. I am a very…I’m just very. V-E-R-Y. And if you can’t handle very, then I’m a douche bag. But I think the world needs a little very. That’s why black people love me.”
PLAYBOY: Because you’re very?
MAYER: “Someone asked me the other day, “What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?” And by the way, it’s sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, “I can’t really have a hood pass. I’ve never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, ‘We’re full.’”
Now, of course I will have more to say on this specific remark, but this is what really caught my eye is found later in the interview:
PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you?
MAYER: “I don't think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock.”
I’m going to stop right here. I could go on further about what he said of his relationships with Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, or his dialogue regarding techniques for Masturbating 101, but I will not do that. What I’m most interested in are the race remarks and the meaning behind his words.
In grabbing excerpts and following the story, including feeds from Twitter and his Super-LAME apology, I have gained quite a perspective of Mr. Mayer, and I must say, it’s not a good one.
To me, and I may be wrong here, but his comments were completely unnecessary. Do I believe he’s a racist? No. Do I believe he is an ill-informed idiot, who should be taken off of whatever drug he is currently on, that gives him the illusion that he is a deep and in-touch human being? Undoubtedly and emphatically, YES.
There are so many issues with this entire interview, that I will attempt to layout my argument logically, as opposed to just rant. Here goes:
First, John Mayer doesn’t know how to answer a question when posed to him. At the outset of the news breaking regarding said comments, I was rallying for John Mayer. I thought and asked myself “What kind of derogatory questions were being asked that he felt he had to retort in such a manner, whether using parody/ “intellectualizing” the context of the question or not?” Then I read that all he was asked was if he thought he was a douche bag, or not. How does this equate into him having a “hood pass?” Aside from his answer being totally uncalled for, it was extremely offensive.
As for his “cock” being a racist, I think I like the best analysis of this quote by Huffingotn Post journalist, Farai Chideya, who states in her article, John Mayer's Playboy Interview: A "Tweachable Moment" in Race, Gender.
“I've interviewed white supremacists, and the punchline to this joke falls... limp. I can roll with some pretty raw or adventurous humor, but this fratboyesque ahistorical cheap shot shows a profound misunderstanding of white supremacy. Today's white supremacists may decry "miscegenation," but white supremacy resulted in an awful lot of race mixing -- the forceable kind. Mayer's father is Jewish and I wonder how much he knows or cares to about the violent history of white surpremacists towards Jews in the US and abroad.
But what I just said sounds too on-the-nose and preachy even for my own tastes. The reality is that it's insulting to say black people love you and then profoundly misunderstand the difference between entitlement and humor.”
Lastly, I am disappointed in how African Americans responded to John Mayer’s statements. I just knew there was going to be uproar in the African American community. Just like the Jews protested Mel Gibson and his movies four years ago (and even today) after he made anti-Semitic remarks while inebriated, I thought black people were going to riot. I thought that John Mayer’s African-American fanbase would revolt, burn LP’s in effigy; but alas I was mistaken. I am truly disappointed at the lack of concern or care by the black community over what he said, whether intentional or in jest. Since when do we no longer care that we are being discriminated against?
Also, where are the African-American musicians and entertainment moguls? Don’t you care that this man just verbally assaulted the very culture that made you wealthy and the very women who resemble your wives (some of you), sisters and mothers? I’m not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, I just find it terrible that no black person in the industry has said anything.
By saying nothing, we in the black community, both those who are visible in the media, and those who are not, are telling the world that this type of language is OK. That claiming because black people “like” you, you have an automatic “Hood Pass.” We’re also saying, in so many ways, that we can continue to disrespect our women.
But maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. Maybe this has been a long time coming. Maybe, just maybe, we are to blame for other races thinking poorly of ourselves. Weren’t we the ones that made African-American culture a fad, something that is cool for now but fades, as opposed to honoring our past and holding ourselves to a level of respect and dignity (at all times)? Weren’t we the ones that portrayed our women (and men) in a light that demeans them as opposed to lifting them up?
Maybe I shouldn’t HATE on John Mayer and his ignorance; Maybe I Should HATE on Us!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Philadelphia Complaint Choir- Sign Me Up!
This is HILARIOUS and a must share.
I have to find out how I can join this choir :)
Keep On HATIN'
I have to find out how I can join this choir :)
Keep On HATIN'
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
New Year, New HATIN’… Because even HATIN’ has resolutions
Happy Belated New Year, HATERS!
My New Years resolution to you good HATERS, this year, is to bring you more news, pop culture and global happenings to talk about openly, dissect and rationalize and most importantly HATE On. I also resolve to do this more often.
So, as the first post of 2010, let’s jump right in…
SEPTA… Yup, they’re hiking up your fares

Philadelphia riders beware; you will see an increase in fares starting in July.
I predicted this in early November 2009, when SEPTA Transport Workers Union Local 234 went on strike (see SEPTA and the City of Philadelphia: HATIN’ Because They Deserve It), and sadly, it has come to fruition.
In the January 13, 2010 edition of the Philadelphia Metro, they alert riders that they may experience an increase anywhere between 2 and 10 percent. This means “base fares could go from $2.00 to $2.25, tokens from $1.45 to $1.60 and weekly TransPasses from the current $20.75 to $22.75.”
It doesn’t seem like much, but in the grand scheme of things, Philadelphia riders are paying more for the same lousy service; especially when we just endured a large fare hike less than three years ago.
The paper also details, “On the positive side, SEPTA riders could also get a glimpse of the long-awaited new payment technology and new Silverliner V cars on the Regional Rail.”
So, let me get this straight. I have to pay higher fares for the same lackluster services, but as a thank you, SEPTA, the organization, will pay for new machines and technology that makes it easier for me to pay them? Now, who wouldn’t want a deal like that?
Are they serious?
People of Philadelphia, we have been taken advantage of, for far too long, when it comes to our detestable transit system and it’s time that we do something about it. Contact your local ward leaders, councilman and even the Mayor. Hold them accountable for fixing this reoccurring issue. If they refuse to cap the fares, STRIKE. We hold the POWER. Without riders, SEPTA cannot exist or stay operating.
HATE on Them!
What ever happened to Black History Month?

It’s February, and as an African-American woman, I have strong concerns over the lack of acknowledgement of Black History Month.
I remember, growing up, that Black History Month was a month of pride in the African-American community, especially in the churches. There were activities, plays and seminars/symposiums at community centers throughout the city, and even the suburbs where I resided, that brought together black people from all over and allowed us to celebrate our unique and distinct heritage.
In school, teachers made it a point to highlight the achievements of African-American pioneers, expecting more from black children during this month, to tell all students, of all different races, about what they knew about their own ancestors.
I can’t tell you how many times I dressed up as a former African-American leader and recited speeches and poems about their particular influence in history. As a young Nefertiti or Madam C.J. Walker, we were to exude and appropriately imitate these people of the past.
What happened to the appreciation of Black History Month?
Today, I see no REAL attempt by the African-American community; churches, retailers and afro-centric organizations alike, in retelling and celebrating our history.
Am I just out of the loop, or has commercialization of the holiday/month, in effect, let blacks off the hook from actually having to educate their own, about black history?
When McDonalds and other such corporations, attempt to popularize Black History Month, does it actually take away from the celebration, as opposed to enhancing it?
It’s like Valentines Day. Original intent of the highly debatable holiday aside, it is celebrated as a “Day of Love.” So why is it that so many people dread Valentine’s Day? Maybe it’s because businesses tried and successfully made this holiday about buying expensive gifts. Have businesses also “de-blacked” or inundated Black History Month?
I believe that Black History Month is 365 days a year, but I also believe that this month signifies celebration of African American achievements, past and present, and should be honored.
Let’s Do Better!
Award Shows… No Longer Necessary
It’s award show season, where the best and brightest (based on popularity, not wits) stars are honored for their work in music and film, for the past year.
Please let me be the first to say that I’m HATIN’ on award shows and deem them no longer necessary.
It may just be me, but the award show format has not changed since its humble beginnings. It’s still a three hour show (that’s supposed to be 2 hours), where actors and artists are named and then given an award, followed by a super, long speech and the ushering of music to get them off the stage.
Each year, just to keep people interested, the organizations hosting such shows/events must come up with newsworthy distractions to keep the audience engaged. Kanye West, anyone?
Would you have remembered the MTV movie awards without Mr. West and his antics? Can someone tell me one big, standout moment at this years Grammy’s? Most likely, your answer is NO.
Lack of interest aside, the popularity of social networking sites has made it too easy to not care about award shows because celebrities are tweeting, posting pictures and adding videos directly from the awards, providing more entertainment than any network could possibly offer.
Mark my words, we may soon be saying goodbye to “award show season.”
My New Years resolution to you good HATERS, this year, is to bring you more news, pop culture and global happenings to talk about openly, dissect and rationalize and most importantly HATE On. I also resolve to do this more often.
So, as the first post of 2010, let’s jump right in…
SEPTA… Yup, they’re hiking up your fares

Philadelphia riders beware; you will see an increase in fares starting in July.
I predicted this in early November 2009, when SEPTA Transport Workers Union Local 234 went on strike (see SEPTA and the City of Philadelphia: HATIN’ Because They Deserve It), and sadly, it has come to fruition.
In the January 13, 2010 edition of the Philadelphia Metro, they alert riders that they may experience an increase anywhere between 2 and 10 percent. This means “base fares could go from $2.00 to $2.25, tokens from $1.45 to $1.60 and weekly TransPasses from the current $20.75 to $22.75.”
It doesn’t seem like much, but in the grand scheme of things, Philadelphia riders are paying more for the same lousy service; especially when we just endured a large fare hike less than three years ago.
The paper also details, “On the positive side, SEPTA riders could also get a glimpse of the long-awaited new payment technology and new Silverliner V cars on the Regional Rail.”
So, let me get this straight. I have to pay higher fares for the same lackluster services, but as a thank you, SEPTA, the organization, will pay for new machines and technology that makes it easier for me to pay them? Now, who wouldn’t want a deal like that?
Are they serious?
People of Philadelphia, we have been taken advantage of, for far too long, when it comes to our detestable transit system and it’s time that we do something about it. Contact your local ward leaders, councilman and even the Mayor. Hold them accountable for fixing this reoccurring issue. If they refuse to cap the fares, STRIKE. We hold the POWER. Without riders, SEPTA cannot exist or stay operating.
HATE on Them!
What ever happened to Black History Month?

It’s February, and as an African-American woman, I have strong concerns over the lack of acknowledgement of Black History Month.
I remember, growing up, that Black History Month was a month of pride in the African-American community, especially in the churches. There were activities, plays and seminars/symposiums at community centers throughout the city, and even the suburbs where I resided, that brought together black people from all over and allowed us to celebrate our unique and distinct heritage.
In school, teachers made it a point to highlight the achievements of African-American pioneers, expecting more from black children during this month, to tell all students, of all different races, about what they knew about their own ancestors.
I can’t tell you how many times I dressed up as a former African-American leader and recited speeches and poems about their particular influence in history. As a young Nefertiti or Madam C.J. Walker, we were to exude and appropriately imitate these people of the past.
What happened to the appreciation of Black History Month?
Today, I see no REAL attempt by the African-American community; churches, retailers and afro-centric organizations alike, in retelling and celebrating our history.
Am I just out of the loop, or has commercialization of the holiday/month, in effect, let blacks off the hook from actually having to educate their own, about black history?
When McDonalds and other such corporations, attempt to popularize Black History Month, does it actually take away from the celebration, as opposed to enhancing it?
It’s like Valentines Day. Original intent of the highly debatable holiday aside, it is celebrated as a “Day of Love.” So why is it that so many people dread Valentine’s Day? Maybe it’s because businesses tried and successfully made this holiday about buying expensive gifts. Have businesses also “de-blacked” or inundated Black History Month?
I believe that Black History Month is 365 days a year, but I also believe that this month signifies celebration of African American achievements, past and present, and should be honored.
Let’s Do Better!
Award Shows… No Longer Necessary
It’s award show season, where the best and brightest (based on popularity, not wits) stars are honored for their work in music and film, for the past year.
Please let me be the first to say that I’m HATIN’ on award shows and deem them no longer necessary.
It may just be me, but the award show format has not changed since its humble beginnings. It’s still a three hour show (that’s supposed to be 2 hours), where actors and artists are named and then given an award, followed by a super, long speech and the ushering of music to get them off the stage.
Each year, just to keep people interested, the organizations hosting such shows/events must come up with newsworthy distractions to keep the audience engaged. Kanye West, anyone?
Would you have remembered the MTV movie awards without Mr. West and his antics? Can someone tell me one big, standout moment at this years Grammy’s? Most likely, your answer is NO.
Lack of interest aside, the popularity of social networking sites has made it too easy to not care about award shows because celebrities are tweeting, posting pictures and adding videos directly from the awards, providing more entertainment than any network could possibly offer.
Mark my words, we may soon be saying goodbye to “award show season.”

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