The America public is gullible, The US government, liars and, therefore folks, I’m HATIN’
I’m not going to get into my thoughts on the details of Osama bin Laden’s SUPPOSED death, but more on what we’re going to do now that he is “out of the picture.”
I was listening to NPR (no judgment) last week and a gentleman by the name of Rob Schultheis, author of Hunting bin Laden: How al-Qaeda Is Winning the War on Terror, was on the air, discussing the recent news on bin Laden’s death, President Obama’s decision to keep American troops in Afghanistan and what the US can expect as retaliation from al-Qaeda. Yes, retaliation is inevitable... or use of fear tactics surrounding retaliation is inevitable. But moving on… Mr. Schultheis said something in that interview that REALLY resonated with me and spoke to me on another level, and, as a result good HATERS, I’ve had an A-HA moment. In the interview, he mentioned that al-Qaeda is winning the ‘War on Terror’ by hitting the US where it really hurts; our capitalist wallets.
Let’s break this down, shall we?
Schultheis explained that the 9/11attacks, known worldwide as a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001, outside of killing thousands of Americans, has cost the US more, financially, than it cost the terrorist to plot and execute.
Think about it; the US has spent billions of dollars trying to rebuild and repair much of New York City, where the towers fell; medication for those directly affected, i.e. fireman, police officers, etc.; going to war (which we are still fighting, by the way); enhancing and beefing up airport security; training pilots on how to fight against terrorist take-over; and hiring special agents to fly the not-so-friendly skies, as a safeguard. The list could go on forever, just tallying up what we now spend on American safety. It may have taken a few years to plan and thousands of dollars (maybe even millions) to assault the US, but we’re the ONLY ones still paying for it, almost 10 years later.
Think about how even smaller-scale, planned attacks have affected us… chemical warfare, anti-terror raids, missile attacks, etc. – We’re paying for that too.
From this interview, I realized that we are being attacked in the smartest way imaginable… by fear and by weakening our own economy. Spending money we don’t have and relying on other countries for resources foreign to our own territories.
As of May 6, 2011, the Total Public Debt Outstanding of the United States of America was $14.32 trillion, meaning that we are borrowing more than 40 cents of every dollar we spend. That’s INSANITY (bet your credit debt isn’t looking so bad, right about now).
Terrorists understand that the US has an exhausted military and expense account and are taking advantage of that. What’s worse, we’re helping them. Our recession, almost new-age depression, may be a terroristic attack and we don’t even recognize it.
So, while people are concerned with the REAL story about Osama bin Laden’s death, body buried at sea and how the US has “won,” our dollar is weakening, the poverty rate is increasing and we’re showing our vulnerability by breathing easy at the “death” of a leader and assuming that the hate, ideologies and plans weren’t passed along to those who formerly followed.
Silly U.S., Terrorism doesn’t work that way… It’s not for kids!